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Out-of-State Online Students

Learn Lead keyboard graphic.学院和大学必须获得授权,才能在他们自己以外的州提供在线学位课程. At this time, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载被授权通过远程教育向所有州的学生提供课程或项目.

如果您最近搬家,而我们为您提供的地址信息不是最新的, please update your mailing address through the "My 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载" link on the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 homepage, or by submitting a Student Information Change Form to the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 Admissions and Records Office.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 775.327.2059 or e-mail

有关限制跨州传播远程教育的联邦法规的信息, Federal regulations by the U.S. Department of Education are found at the following URL:

In addition, 各州教育部门的州法规规定了各州的限制和条件.

State Authorization for Distance Education

国家授权互惠协议(SARA)是一项国家倡议,增加学生获得远程教育课程和项目的机会,同时保持遵守国家法规. 参与SARA的机构可以在SARA成员国提供教育机会, the District of Columbia, the U.S. 维尔京群岛和波多黎各,无需在每个州寻求个人批准. To learn more about SARA, visit

On May 14, 2014年,西部州际高等教育委员会(WICHE)批准内华达州成为SARA成员国. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载是SARA批准的机构成员,因此被授权为其他SARA成员国的学生提供在线课程. California is not a SARA member state, but does not require authorization for public higher education institutions.

Professional Licensure

如果你正在考虑一个在线学术课程,导致一个专业执照, 强烈建议您联系您的学院/项目,了解有关许可要求的信息. 您所在的部门将能够提供有关您所在州的专业执照的信息和链接. SARA does not provide reciprocity for state professional licensing requirements. 学术课程和个人毕业生必须符合该州对毕业生有资格获得执照的执照要求的标准. Click here for information about 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载's programs that lead to professional licensure.

Student Complaints

澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载致力于提供最高质量的教育机会. 如果生活在国家授权互惠协议(SARA)国家的学生对教育经历不满意, a complaint/ concern may be submitted for review.

Examples of types of student complaints that may be brought forward include, but are not limited to, complaints regarding accuracy of tuition or fee information, accreditation, whether a program meets licensure requirements, or course transfer information.

Grade and student advising appeals are not allowed under SARA. 这些呼吁应直接提交给澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载的适当管理人员.

Details for various types of complaints are given in the 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 General Catalog.

Page 37: Discrimination or sexual harassment. 投诉是通过学术系主任或行政单位主任发起的. 另外,任何系主任、院长或主任都可以作为投诉的接受者.

Page 42: Instructor conduct or other non-grade injustice. 学生投诉程序:投诉由教务处副校长提出.

Page 47: Violation of rules of conduct by a student. 投诉可以通过学院院长或学生行为主管提出.

Page 77: Grade appeals. Complaints are initiated through the instructor. 如果不能达成令人满意的解决办法,则在目录第77页详细说明了其他步骤.

Deceptive Trade Practices and Acts of Fraud

Deceptive trade practices and other acts of fraud are prohibited including, but not limited to the following:

  1. To intentionally and materially represent falsely, directly or by implication any statement or representation, oral, written, or visual, in connection with the offering of educational services, including but not limited to statements or representations relating to recruitment and marketing information; tuition, fees and other charges; and admissions information;
  2. To adopt a name, trade name, or trademark that represents falsely, directly or by implication, the quality, scope, nature, size, or integrity of the institution or its educational services;
  3. To represent, directly or by implication, 成功完成课程或教学计划的学生可以将获得的学分转入任何高等教育机构;
  4. To intentionally and materially represent falsely, directly or by implication, in its advertising or promotional materials or in any other manner, the size, location, facilities, or equipment of the institution; the number or educational experience qualifications of its faculty; the extent or nature of any approval received from any state agency; or the extent or nature of any accreditation received from any accrediting agency or association; or
  5. To provide prospective students with testimonials, endorsements, 或其他实质性误导或欺骗未来学生或公众有关该机构当前做法的信息.

有关欺诈商业行为和欺诈行为的投诉,将根据 SARA Board Policy (Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 14), which states that the complaint is initiated at the institutional level. At Great Basin College, 投诉由主管学术和学生事务的副校长提出.

如果学生觉得他们的在线学习投诉没有得到澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载的妥善解决, they can file an appeal with:

Nevada State SARA Portal
Renée Davis
Assistant Vice Chancellor and Director of Student Affairs
Phone: 775.784.3447
Nevada System of Higher Education
2601 Enterprise Rd
Reno, NV 89512


For More Information Contact

Karl Stevens
Dean of Online Education
Great Basin College
1500 College Parkway, HTC 115
Elko, Nevada (USA) 89801
Phone: 775-327-2184

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Why Great Basin College

Great Basin College, "The Gold Standard in the Silver State", offers associate and baccalaureate level education in academic, career and technical fields. Welcoming over 4,000 students annually from all corners of the country, both online and at our various campuses and centers, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载's presence extends across two time zones and spans more than 86,000 square miles throughout Nevada. A leader in rural higher education, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载为培养能够满足行业需求并为当地经济的成功和繁荣做出贡献的学生而感到自豪.

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